Basic Hand Signals For Residential Dog Training

Two common ways to train and instruct dogs include hand signals and verbal commands. While hand signals typically are more effective when your dog can’t hear your verbal commands, they are also a good way to ensure that your dog pays attention when you give commands from a distance. There are many different hand signals that you can use to train your dog and some dog owners might even make up their own unique hand signals that only they and their dog understand. Still, according to residential dog training Preston experts, it is important to understand that you have to be as consistent as possible when using hand signals or verbal commands to train your dog.

Even if your dog already gets residential dog training, you can still teach him a few more hand signals. Start with the basic hand signals, such as sit, down and stay, that are also used by other dog owners and your dog will be able to learn other hand signals later.

Keeping that in mind, we are going take a look at some of the basic hand signals of residential dog training:

Stay- to use this command, hold your right hand out towards your dog with your palm facing up. At the same time, say the command “stay” with a firm voice. Your dog will begin to associate the hand signal with the command and you will not need to say the command. 

Sit- one of the most common hand signals for sitting is to bend your arm upwards at the elbow, raise an open palm up at the side of your head, and say the command “sit”. Soon, with some repetitive practice, you will only need to perform the hand signal without using the verbal command.

Down- with your dog on a leash, hold your right arm out towards him and keep the palm of your hand facing down towards the ground. Lower your right hand until your fingers are pointed towards the floor and say the verbal command “down”.

Contact Dog Harmony

To learn more basic hand signals for residential dog training, contact Dog Harmony today and speak to an expert dog trainer who can help train your dog to be easier to manage and a lot more fun.

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Jessica Stone

Jessica is a passionate pet lover and veterinarian with over 15 years of experience. Her blog serves as a reliable source for pet health advice, ranging from preventive care to handling emergencies.